
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



Elasticsearch + LVM Striping

less than 1 minute read

At work, while managing a fleet of elasticsearch clusters, we have several linux boxes that have inconsistent number of block devices attached. So to simplif...

Mitigating DDOS attacks on AWS

1 minute read

Recently, a friend asked about how to handle ddos attacks on AWS. We discussed and theses are some pointers.

What Is Docker?

3 minute read

Docker is the probably the hottest technology right now in the technology space. In this post, i am writing about the basic of docker and the challenges it s...


less than 1 minute read

Recently, I discovered the tool; Tmux. This is an awesome tool that has improved my productivity and i feel i am just scratching the surface of what it can d...

Challenges With Integration Testing

1 minute read

Recently, I read this article on integration tests anti pattern and it really reminds me of one of our client. This is a dreadful situation with my consultin...

Devops Assessment

11 minute read

As DevOps consultant, when we have a new clients to partner with. Our approach is first to assess the devops capabilities of the clients. This help us to ide...

Dockerizing Create React App

1 minute read

Create-react-app is a command line tool to help easily get a simple reactjs app started and going. It abstract away the learning curve and complexity of sett...

Introduction To Nodejs

1 minute read

Recently, at work, i was tasked with providing a training session to NodeJS to help adopt node to our organization.

Monitoring With Elk

3 minute read

I have been leveraging ELK for monitoring various production workloads. Recently, I used the elastic stack to monitor our internal private cloud; openstack....

Thoughts On Agile And Scrum

1 minute read

So i have been working in the Scrum and Agile metholodology for many years now. I feel like i could share some of my thoughts.